• Step 1: Find the product to buy displayed on the website screen or select details according to the list of categories.
  • Step 2: Select products in the list When you select the product category. The website will take you to the details page in that category. Here you can see all the latest products. You can then select the "Details" section to display detailed product images and specifications. Or you can choose to buy to buy that product right away. (Continue to Step 4)
  • Step 3: Product detail page After you click on "Details", the website will redirect you to the product detail page. Shows you product images, product prices, and product configurations. Here you can Click the "Buy product" button to make the purchase of that product. Then you continue to move to the "Cart" page.
  • Step 4: Shopping Cart When you click the "Buy product" button, you will be immediately redirected to the shopping cart page. Here is a list of the products that you have chosen to buy. The price of each product and the total price of the whole order. To continue shopping, go back to the product catalog page to select products, then you click the "Continue shopping" button To recalculate the price of the whole order when you have changed the number of products to buy. Please click the "Recalculate" button when you have selected the product and quantity you want. You continue to fill in your details in the boxes below. Orderer and consignee information. Then you can click "Checkout" button to make the order payment
  • Step 5: Pay for your order You will be redirected to the payment page to review your order and information.